Friday, July 4, 2008

Wine Magazine should get over themselves

I'm so glad that Henré Rossouw said what I've been thinking for a long time: that South African wine critics have simply no class.

I'm a long time reader of Wine Magazine, and over the years the arrogance has gotten to me on varying levels. Reading Rob Morris' article, where he unjustifiably slams a farm that is making good efforts to improve itself and its brand, is classless and baseless. Perhaps he should remember his years a varsity drop out before mommy from publisher's Ramsey, Son and Parker got him the job at Wine Magazine.

Morris, and Christian Eedes (with whom he's been known to waste a Friday lunch hour drinking free wine at Greek in Mowbray), exemplify a real weak point in South African wine journalism: namely the idea that great wine journalism is snobbish and slams all who try.

I am certainly no fan of the 'everyone deserves a certificate' attitude of many in our post-modern world: but I think people who spend their lives writing copy for a magazine like Wine Magazine in a suburb as plat as Pinelands should watch what they say (I know, I lived there once, as I did in Stellenbosch: At least people who live in the winelands have some class!)

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